Aug 10Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

The gender performance spectrum has been so central to my life.

I grew up with a mom who knew no currency other being skinny and blonde with big boobs, then I joined the military where I found it was best to just be one of the guys. No makeup, don’t draw attention to yourself. Laugh at their crude jokes, don’t be offended by anything. Then when a woman arrived at my command who did wear makeup and was offended (rightly so) by their crude jokes I realized that maybe I did what was best for myself but also did a great disservice to women who came after me by not performing my gender.

Now I’m in an industry that’s only about 7% female . If you are a woman who embraces femininity, you are a DEI hire. If not, you must be a lesbian…but you’re also a DEI hire.

It’s all a zero sum game that is so exhausting.

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Ugh, absolutely fucking exhausting is right. The choice is between survival or increasing the friction for yourself for (probably) no payoff.

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Aug 19Liked by caro claire burke, Katie Gatti Tassin

The parasocial relationship is kicking in hard with this one! I want to talk with you all about structualism and free will!

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

You ladies nailed this. Thank you for so eloquently laying this out. I contemplate the absurdity of this every time I am sitting in the chair getting my 4 hour balayage done ... which was 2 weeks ago. "When you don’t perform your gender in a way that allows us to assign it capital – its huge fucking problem" nailed it, mic drop. May I suggest an episode on tech bro billionaires screaming about low fertility rates? Would love to hear your take on this.

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HA I’m actually working on an episode about that very topic for the money with Katie show right now because holy SHIT is it bleak

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Aug 13Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

I came across this article from the Economist titled "Can the rich world escape its baby crisis?" outlining how more than 1/2 the drop in America’s total fertility rate is attributed to women under the age of 19 now having next to no children - so a decline in teen pregnancy - by be helpful to highlight :) - https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/05/21/can-the-rich-world-escape-its-baby-crisis

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Yes!!! It’s like a third of the episode rn, I thought the article was so interesting — it’s also weird because a lot of the coverage from the WSJ just straight up ignores the invention of the birth control pill and feigns confusion about the downturn beginning in the 1960s / attributes it to women getting jobs lol

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Aug 9Liked by caro claire burke, Katie Gatti Tassin

Because men are not attracted to looks. They are attracted to status and compliance.

Thank you for your work Ladies!

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"status and compliance" damn, that hits

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this was awesome you guys are sooooo right about the abortion stuff too like we need people who are pro abortion to be vocally pro abortion for everyone and not just hide behind the “well what about rape and incest??”. like no say you support abortion because you think abortion is actually fully okay!!!!! with your CHEST

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Aug 13Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

EATING DISORDERS AS AFFIRMING GENDER CARE 😭☠️ I truly enjoy these sessions. Keep em' coming, ladies! (Also please don't mind my constant use of humor in any topic... these conversations are causing me to think about and question at least ONE THING by the time the episode is finished, I just don't know how not to make everything a joke, plus you're both fucking hilarious lol)

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Oh my gosh Alyssa thank you!!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying them as much as we are lmao

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Aug 13Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

As a married woman living in CA and does not want anymore children, the part about how we never hear politicians simply say "I love abortion" is actually something I've never thought about. Like even under democratic policy it's still something that's framed within a certain context in order to be an acceptable talking point... ugh how depressing.

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Aug 13Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

Not "JD ✨️little bitch✨️ Vance" 😩😭☠️

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

Oh my goodness you said "there is a loss you have when you view your body subconsciously as a commodity to be improved all the time. And the loss is that you are never in your body." This hit so hard.

This whole episode so on point, I was watching the Olympics at the gym and the majority of the US volleyball team all had blonde (fake) ponytails and it got me thinking along the same lines as you described, 2% of the population but 85% of the white women we see.

My own personal journey with appearance performance was that when I had a sudden medical condition rear its ugly head all of a sudden it was way way way more valuable to me to get 15 minutes of sleep rather than wake up and put on even the minimal makeup I had been wearing. While I don't recommend heart failure, having those months where I just didn't have the energy to put into my appearance have led to me continuing to avoid it on an ongoing basis. Taking a break can show you just how little impact it can have. Really weird to get used to though especially in pictures and it definitely helps if you're already in a relationship if you are in your 30's growing up being told nonsense like what that creep told Katie about blonde hair.

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

wow wow wow. this was so spot on... sitting her w/ my highlights and botox but yes... you nailed it.

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Thank you so much for listening! Sincerely a woman with painted nails who's about to go paint her face lol

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thank you so much for listening! signed, another woman with highlights and a dip manicure, dutifully performing her gender

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Aug 9Liked by Katie Gatti Tassin

Back to comment again - I grew up in the purity culture of the 90s where we were all "saving ourselves" and looking for a "man of God" to choose us. And I subscribed to a lot of the teachings around "don't waste your time with those frivolous materialistic things." One of the best parts of growing up and growing out of this religious doctrine was the realization that I really like pretty things. I feel good wearing accessories. I like wearing makeup and reading magazines, etc etc.

Today I do the things that I enjoy and continually try to reassess if I value them the way I used to. Ie - still value the highlights, dont value the nails as much. Now, I absolutely agree with Caro that these ideas were not mine alone. I was influenced by the capitalistic market that is continually telling me how I can improve... But I struggle with balancing between the line of finding joy in my physical expression and using it to communicate a certain message. Vs feeling stuck in those confines.

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