You both are incredible. What I would not give to have these conversations in a small group.The conversations challenge my thought process in the best way.

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this is so kind of you - thank you, thank you, thank you. the conversations mean so much to me, personally, and it's a thrill to know you feel the same way

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I loved this! I’d love for you to touch on how Beyoncé, or black female stars in general, are demonized for being “untouchable,” or unrelatable. The interesting part to me is, who gets to be relatable? There are many lanes that a white female pop star can inhabit and be successful, but the options are much narrower for women of color and black women in particular.

What rankles me about Swift’s fandom in particular is this insistence on her universality. This is not extended to anyone else. When a white person says that they don’t listen to Beyoncé because they don’t relate to her, it is accepted as a matter of course. This is the type of racism that is so tricky to see and even trickier to define.

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I am ten years older than you guys. And feel so blessed. The older women I think

of as most beautiful, 1970s actresses who had long and interesting careers, did not have surgery and never would. Look at Charlotte Rampling. Look at Julie Christie. Is there a woman more beautiful than Georgia O'Keefe. I think Gwyneth Oaktrow's mother aged more beautifully than her daughter. Look at Mandy Patinkin and Kathryn G on TikTok. Kathryn G exudes charm and magnetism in a way generic celebrity XYZ never could. Look at Tess Alwyn's TikTok, her Mom appears rarely but is untouched and exquisite. I have no doubt that Nancy Pelosi would be more attractive if she hadn't distorted herself into oblivion. Both of you are beautiful women, you will age beautifully if you do nothing. Chasing the fountain of youth is Sisyphean. Don't invest in these Matt Gaetz, Elon Musk systems.

I am sorry Taylor Swift had to make this choice. I have no doubt she would have aged beautifully naturally. Now, she is trapped.

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I think you both would find Sally Rooney’s most recent interview with the New York Times super interesting if you haven’t read/listened already! She explicitly addresses the double edged problem of being a Young Woman Author. She talks about how she has benefitted from it because she is seen as a public intellectual whose opinions on big issues are highly sought after, but it’s also meant that she oftentimes gets perceived through the lens of celebrity culture because of her youth and gender

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i listened to it and absolutely keyed in on that section - rooney does a really brilliant job of talking about those things with VERY specific and careful language, its almost like she has rehearsed what she wants to say about that topic beforehand, and i get why she would feel that way

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doing everything in my power to listen to the full episode BUT had to comment on Katie with her hands over her heart. lol... if that doesn't articulate my feelings as a 42 yr old woman who identifies as a feminist, feels deeply about our right to have agency over our bodies. AND has absolutely partaken in some filler...

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I just went to see ‘The Substance’ last night and if you can stomach copious amounts of body horror, sounds like it might be up your alley this week. It’s an interesting twist on a Grimm-style cautionary tale on how far women in Hollywood are willing to go stay looking youthful.

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i have been DESPERATE to see this film

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